Course curriculum

    1. Overview

    2. The Vital Substances with Cliff and Basti

    3. Experiential Energy Exercise

    4. Video slide show Vital Substances

    5. TCM History with Carola

    6. Images from Carola's talk

    7. Quiz

    1. Introduction to Module 2

    2. Theory Video Slide Show

    3. Video 1 : Zang Fu Kidneys

    4. Video 2 : Zang Fu Spleen

    5. Video 3 : Zang Fu Lungs

    6. Video 4 : Zang Fu Liver

    7. Video 5 : Zang Fu Heart

    8. Video 6 : Zang Fu Heart Protector

    9. Quiz

    1. Introduction to Module 3

    2. Theory Slide Show: The Causes of Disease in TCM

    3. Video 1: Fear

    4. Video 2: Worry

    5. Video 3: Joy

    6. Video 4: Sadness

    7. Video 5: Anger

    8. Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Energy Exercise: Experiencing Blood, Qi, Yin and Yang Deficiency

    3. Video Slides Qi and Blood, Yin and Yang

    4. Practical Video 1: Qi and Blood

    5. Practical Video 2: Yin and Yang

    6. Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Video Slide Show: Understanding Tongue Diagnosis - a comprehensive guide - with Basti Deans

    3. Video 1: Tongue Diagnosis in action - the Team's tongues!

    4. Video 2: Tongue Diagnosis Masterclass with Carola

    5. Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Video: Introduction to the Syndromes

    3. Video Slide Show: The Syndromes of the Kidney

    4. Video Practical: Syndromes of the Kidney

    5. Video Slide Show - Spleen Syndromes

    6. Video Practical : Syndromes of the Spleen Part 1

    7. Video Practical: Syndromes of the Spleen Part 2

    8. Quiz Kidney and Spleen Syndromes

About this course

  • Free
  • 53 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content